Intensive Residential Team
Intensive Residential Team (IRT) services available in all counties in the region.
What is IRT?
On January 7, 2020, Community Integrated Health Services (e世博网投) was awarded a grant from the Health Care Authority (HCA) as a governor’s mandate for an Intensive Residential Team (IRT) servicing our 5 county region. This team will provide a variety of support services for people with severe mental health and substance use needs who have a history of multiple visits to emergency departments, inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations, and/or contacts with law enforcement related to their behavioral health challenges.
Who is eligible for the IRT program?
The IRT teams will focus on individuals discharging from inpatient mental health facilities (Western State Hospital and Evaluation and Treatment Centers) and offer increased ability to manage and monitor medication and provide more intensive in-home support.
What services does the IRT program provide?
- Behavioral health assessment, treatment, and care coordination
- Medication management
- Skill building for self-care
- Exploring employment opportunities
- Assistance with identifying benefits and other funding/financial resources
- Collaborating with the entire treatment team to better manage care for transition.
Who provides IRT services?
Team members are experienced in psychiatry, social work, nursing, substance abuse, and vocational. The team is medically driven to help stabilize and return individuals back to the community where they reside.
The team consists of:
- psychiatric prescriber
- psychiatric registered nurse practitioner
- mental health practitioner
- certified peer counselor
Referral Information
Hospitals, State Hospital, Emergency Departments, MCOs, Home and Community Services can contact e世博网投 IRT team with the contact information below.
Contact Information
Office Location
Lewis County
1616 S Gold Street, Suite #4
Centralia, WA 98531
By Mail
Lewis County
1616 S Gold Street, Suite #4
Centralia, WA 98531
By Phone:
By Fax: